He had been suspended after an altercation with a group of revellers outside the Individual Bar in Hanley. As police dealt with revellers outside the bar, PC Boulton accused Nikki Wright, of Congleton, of attempting to punch him, before telling her: "Do that to me again and I will knock you out." Chief Superintendent Martin Evans, of Staffordshire Police, said: "Our performance assessment unit has completed a thorough investigation into the complaint made about PC Boulton and the complainant has been fully updated."
He added: "The comments made by PC Boulton were not acceptable and below the standards expected of an officer. We concluded that the circumstances of the upheld complaint did not constitute grounds for dismissal and were suitable to be dealt with via a misconduct meeting. This meeting resulted in PC Boulton receiving a formal written warning. He has returned to work and his conduct will be closely monitored by supervision. We expect our officers to provide the highest standards of professionalism at all times.
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"If an officer's behaviour falls below the standards expected we would encourage it be reported so we can scrupulously investigate." Staffordshire Police and Crime Panel member, Joy Garner, called the ruling the 'right result'. She said: "We don't know what the officer had been doing leading up to the event. It's right and proper that he's been dealt with because speaking to the public in that way is wrong. It's so unusual for one of our officers to behave in this way - I hope a line can be drawn under it all."
Give a thug a uniform and a bit of authority and he will abuse it. Always.
What a difference from the good old USofA. Here a policeman, or even a self-appointed neighborhood watch guy, can shoot and kill an unarmed young man with no consequences to the officer whatsoever. That is, if the young man is black, of course.
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