Authorities said the son was complaining that all he got for Christmas was a fishing rod, while his friends received cars and trucks. That’s when the father pulled out a baseball bat and hit the boy on the back of the head.

A 14-year-old brother then intervened in an attempt to stop the altercation and went out to the family vehicle to retrieve a shotgun that was kept in the trunk. “The young 14-year-old boy discharged the weapon. He discharged it twice. The second time he hit his father in part of the face and part of the shoulder.” Sheriff Omar Lucio said the father will lose that eye.
The 14-year-old then drove away, but sheriff's deputies spotted him in an open field. He then struck another vehicle. The teenager was arrested and is facing charges, while his father is hospitalised. Charges are also expected to be filed against the 39-year-old father, the sheriff’s office said.
There's a news video here.
What a wonderful family. And, they've already procreated. :(
Christmas is nothing without a family brawl, a police visit and a trip to the hospital.
Ii'll bet the father will still be a stout NRA supporter. Gotta have those guns in order to be free!
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