Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Disappointment all round over road markings painted in the dark

Road markings will be re-done after contractors painted a white line over leaves and debris on Mt Nebo Rd in Brisbane, Australia. Moreton Bay Regional Councillor Bob Millar said: “It is a contractor that does line marking, not council staff.”

He said the work was part of regular line marking on Mt Nebo Rd which was being done ahead of winter when low cloud can hamper visibility at night. “We’ve had our project manager visit the site and he tells me it is an isolated instance of that problem in what is effectively a 15km long job,” Cr Millar said.

“They were actually doing this job at night so it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that in the darkness the operator for the company contracted to council has missed it.” Cr Millar said the project manager had discussed the matter with the contractor’s owner and they would be repairing that section at their cost.

“I was disappointed, the director was disappointed, the project manager was disappointed - and so was the owner of the contractor. The reason (the work) is being done at night time is for safety reasons and for the convenience of our residents,” he added. “I’m advised that the line marking is now all complete except for the passage they’ve got to come back and fix."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not quite as dramatic as this paint job:

