During his journey he swerved to avoid an animal and flipped his car over and was found to be over the limit, Somerset Magistrates were told. Taylor, 45, of Crewkerne, pleaded guilty to driving in Boozer Pit after consuming excess alcohol on January 3 when he appeared in the dock before the court at Yeovil.

Emma Lenanton, prosecuting, said that police were called to Boozer Pit where Taylor had been driving his car and lost control, turning it over onto its side. “Two members of the pubic stopped to assist and were concerned about the fact they thought Taylor might be over the limit,” she said.
“The vehicle had been righted when the police arrived and the defendant co-operated with the officers and took a roadside breath test which he failed.” He was arrested and taken to Yeovil police station where a breath test produced a reading of 79mcg of alcohol in 100ml of breath. The legal limit is 35mcg of alcohol. The magistrates banned Taylor from driving for 20 months and fined him £340 with £85 costs and a £34 victim surcharge.
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