"Lucille Ball was not only an amazing comedienne, but she was a stunning beauty. Her sense of humour only made her more beautiful," the man said. "This statue looks nothing like the beautiful Lucy we all know. If for no other reason than that... the statue should go." The man says he doesn't think altering the statue would be enough and that it would have to be completely re-done.

"I think it looks like a monster. That is just my opinion," he said. "When you see it at night, it is frightening." The mayor of Celoron, Scott Schrencengost, says it would take between $8,000 and $10,000 for the original artist to redo the statue and $5,000 for a local sculptor. (Although he wishes the original sculptor would stand by his work and fix it for free.)

The Mayor also assured locals that he has no intention of using taxpayer money to fund the statue renovation, nor is the statue taking precedence over his more pressing duties. "I've got so many other things I'm working on in the village," he said. "These people on Facebook need to realize that we're all aware that [the statue] doesn't look like Lucy and needs to be fixed. We're just working on getting the funds to do that."
Oh, the status is definitely Lucille Ball.
After having been run through _The Walking Dead_.
Argh. That's _statue_, not _status_.
More coffee. Black. Steaming.
Horrible! Maybe the sculptor was taking too much Vitameatavegemin.
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