Monday, May 25, 2015

Cyclist jumps red light

I suppose he can take some consolation in that he wasn't run over.

YouTube link.


fred said...

Narratted by Elmer P Fudd

arbroath said...


Anonymous said...

That was awesome. I love the sound the witness makes when the red light jumper hits the bus. His raised hand in recognition of the stupidity was great too. Wonderful start to my NZ morning.

Anonymous said...

now i know that running a red light is called jumping in commonwealth countries. i was thinking that he'd *leapt* the red light - trying to figure out how that would happen!

idiot fool - how can you miss a honking great white bus entering the intersection??

Ratz said...

I cycle a few thousand miles a year, but when I'm driving I'd happily run over goits like this. Let's breed smarter creatures, humans and animals alike a-la David Brin, Uplift novels.