Officials with the Lake County Sheriff's office were called to the scene in Antioch a little after 7:30pm. The man was in a canoe with another man and woman on Loon Lake when the cat, also in the canoe, jumped into the water, police said.

The man tried to save the cat but went under the water, according to authorities. His body was recovered shortly after midnight. The identification of the man, who police say is from Ingleside, has not yet been released.
Police said alcohol is believed to have been a factor in the incident. The Illinois Department of Natural Resources is investigating the death. It is not known what happened to the cat.
obviously the bloke was unmarried, a wife would not allow such shenanigans
"Loon" Lake. It's a sad story, and obviously he loved his kitty, but ...
"Loon" Lake?
Couldn't make that up. :(
Lurker, the lake is named after the loon bird.
Every time someone tries to treat a cat like a dog and take them hiking, camping, canoeing (this is a new one for me), parachuting (yeas, parachuting, ffs), motorcycle riding, or even walking around down town cities on a leash, I want to slap them backwards.
Cats heyday is the internet because cats like to stay home. They're psychotic introverts, very unlike dogs.
Got that. But "loon" is also common slang (at least on this side of the Atlantic) for a crazy person.
A guy takes a cat canoeing - it's pretty much given that alcohol was involved.
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