The unnamed man, in his 20s, was taken to Coventry Fire Station by his mother because he could not remove the hardened-steel shackle lock.Firefighters could not cut the lock and called in West Midlands Fire and Rescue Service's Technical Rescue Unit .

The station commander said the man was unhurt, "but his mother was raging". Pete Drummond said: "We tried a cutter, but it just marked the lock. Then we tried a reinforced bar cutter, but it just dented it". He said the man had been out drinking until the early hours and did not know when the lock was put round his neck.

"He woke up at about 4:00pm and found his mates had put the lock round his neck and his mates had thrown away the keys," said Mr Drummond. "His mum brought him in at about 7:30pm. He really did have his tail between his legs". The rescue unit covered the man with a fireproof blanket and cut through the steel with a circular saw.
"his mates had put the lock round his neck and his mates had thrown away the keys"
great mates
This much more the kind of thing that drinkers do and have done to them than the behaviour of pot smokers, but hey, binge drinking is central to "Western Civilisation."
All they had to do was call in a bike thief. He'd have had the lock of in well under a minute.
They should publish the name of the lock, a rebar cutter is pretty much the biggest tool a thief can carry around that does not make alot of sound.
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