Christian said: "We were at Grantchester having a barbecue when we saw a naked man barking at a dog on his hands and feet. One of the women with us asked my friend to go and save the dog. The man started running around naked and went into the bushes and grabbed some stinging nettles and rubbed them on my friend. The man asked my friend where the tea rooms were and then got angry and said my friend was lying about the directions, which he wasn't. He then extended his foot and got angry. He must have been on drugs. He was acting like an animal and I am sure he sensed my fear. It was bizarre. It was funny but if you laughed he'd get more angry.
"Then he ran up the hill. A few moments later we heard screaming and went up to see him surrounded by five policemen. There was a dog unit and a policeman with an Alsatian which was hanging off the naked man's arm by its teeth. The man didn't seem bothered at all. They took him away." Beth Beeton, assistant manager at the tea garden described the incident. She said: "He just appeared and he was wandering about in the garden. There were a lot of families and children there and of course we had to ask him to leave which he did and we felt it right to call the police. We have had some famous people here but to my knowledge we've never had a naked man."

Five policeman and a police dog restrained the man and took him to Addenbrooke's. The force confirmed he was not held under the Mental Health Act or arrested but was "detained" to keep the public peace. The man was treated for the police dog bite. A police spokesman said: "We were called to reports that a naked man was walking around Orchard Tea Garden and being aggressive towards staff who tried to remove him. He then jumped into the river and made his way to the village and was then threatening towards members of the public and taunted a dog. The man was taken to hospital for treatment for minor injuries." The spokesman added public nudity is not an offence unless it "outrages public decency or is to intentionally cause alarm or distress".
1 comment:
On more than several occasions, I've heard about the tea they serve. Be wary.
That's all then.
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