Mullins was barefoot and carrying his sandals. Security staff told police that Mullins started to enter the bar and was asked for proper identification. He allegedly ignored the request and refused to speak with staff. He was advised that if he didn’t provide ID he would have to leave.

After not producing anything, he was escorted outside and told to leave the property. He proceeded to dance around in the parking lot, picked up a toad and began licking it, according to witnesses. While police spoke with Mullins, he remained on the public sidewalk, dancing.
He was warned not to return onto JJ's property or he would be arrested. Police left, but kept the area under surveillance. After a few minutes, they observed Mullins walk back into the parking lot carrying another toad. He was taken into custody for Trespass, Class A misdemeanor.
He was just bar hopping.
The toad later said in an interview, "... and it was all just a one-night stand? He doesn't call; he doesn't write ..."
I just realized -- give him a hat, and he could be Torgo!
Hugh Jackman, is that you?
Anonymous #3 - I love you. I own that movie. The MST3 one, of course. This guy looked familiar to me, also. Thanks for pointing that out.
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