Larry William Henry, 65, is charged with indecent exposure, criminal trespass and public drunkenness regarding the incident. Henry was previously banned from being on the farm after he was found trespassing there in 2011.

However, police allege, Henry broke the order and was naked with pigs inside a barn on the night of June 26. "I just like pigs," Henry told officers who asked why he was there.
Police noticed an odour and alcohol, and Henry admitted to drinking a six-pack of "Hamm's beer made by Miller Brewing Company." Henry, who lives nearby the farm, was charged on Wednesday and is free on $25,000 unsecured bail.
"Hamm's beer" ?
I couldn't make that up. Not after TWO six-packs.
"You can tell a man that boozes by the company he chooses,"
Then the pig got up and slowly walked away.
Hamm's is brewed with sky-blue waters, said the commercial. I thought they went out of business decades ago. Guess not.
I did, too, Barbwire. I was quite surprised to read that.
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