PC Chris Jones, who is investigating the incident, said: “The victim, a 15-year-old boy, locked his mountain bike to a lamp post at the station. However, when he returned later in the day, he discovered it had been stolen. “CCTV enquiries show a man entering the station with a baby in a pushchair.

“A short time later, he urinates on the seats in the waiting shelter before proceeding to rip a bicycle free of its lock. While stealing the bike, the child was left unattended in the pushchair, just a few feet away from the track. He then finishes a drink he had with him and throws the empty can on the floor before leaving the station with the stolen bike.”
YouTube link. Alternative YouTube link.
Having followed a number of lines of enquiry, including circulating images on police intelligence databases and to rail staff in the area, officers have now released the footage in a bid to identify the man. The stolen Saracen mountain bike, which was black and white with front suspension, was worth around £300.
He's a keeper.
Somebody actually allowed him to procreate with her. Ew!
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