"Gay marriage was passed in all 50 states and I thought it be funny to post a picture of me and the dog," says Uhler. It was the caption, "How is marrying a dog different if you love them?

"Today, I hope we can focus on doggy style love. I love my dog rocco, and he loves me. Hopefully one day we can be married...", that got him into trouble. Uhler says he was fired over it. He says his employers at Grace Advisory Group in Fort Myers didn't find it funny and fired him. Uhler said: "What happened was, they took it out of context."
YouTube link.
Trial lawyer, Scot Goldberg said the company is justified. "I think going to the point where they're firing someone is a little bit over the line. I think they have the ability to do that in the legal recourse to do it." Goldberg adds Florida is an "at will" state meaning employers don't need to give a reason for firing without notice.
I think it was wrong to fire him, people have the right to be bigots in their own time.
Bigotry or irony? Fairness or Double-Standard?
When the Left does it to Christian values or traditional American values, it's called irony or humor. When a Conservative lampoons the idiocy of the Left it's hatred or bigotry.
You can't have it both ways, [except in politically-correct land].
The right has a tendency to equate marriage equality between two human beings with marriage to an animal, i.e., something totally unnatural. It wasn't intended as humor, it was a slap at the legalizing of "gay marriage."
It's always interesting how so many conservatives' minds go RIGHT to marriage or sex with animals. Also interesting that in many states, it's not illegal to have sex with animals. Makes me wonder whether we should look closely at some conservatives' pets.
But what about "love is love"? What about " the same love"? What about " keep your laws out of my bedroom"?
not the place for that debate
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