Fellow paddlers on the lake were baffled by the sight of the man and his vessel, which had been decorated with brightly-coloured plastic flowers. Jeanne Mclauchlan was one seasoned paddler who spotted the man during an early morning venture to the lake on Saturday morning.

"In the distance, we noticed a figure emerge from the thick fog," she said. "It was a figure of a man dressed in a tuxedo and top hat on a stand-up-paddle coffin, complete with flowers, paddling toward us. We asked 'coffin man', 'Where are you going'?

"His response was, 'To Queanbeyan cemetery as I have a 3pm grave site to prepare'." The man's appearance didn't thrill everyone who saw him. It is understood some relatives of patients at Clare Holland House, which sits on the edge of the lake at Barton, felt the sight of the coffin kayaker out the hospice's windows was inappropriate and insensitive.
Bah, get some sense of humor people
Some people are just awesome. Others are just so ashamed of their mediocrity that just have to complain about those who are extraordinary in a bid to drag everybody down to their level. Don't complain people, get out there and do something extraordinary yourselves.
Yes, what Gareth and Dunex said.
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