Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Police called to 'dead animal in canal' found a duvet filled with coconuts

Police investigating a suspicious package found in a canal, thought to be a dead animal, discovered a duvet filled with coconuts.

Officers in Trafford, Manchester, were called after a walker pulled what he believed to be a bag full of animal bones from the Bridgewater Canal near Longford Wharf in Stretford.

The man noticed the suspicious-looking package floating in the water at about 4pm on Sunday and took it upon himself to haul it on to dry land. He told police he thought it might be a dead animal because it had a ‘strong odour’ and was ‘leaking white fluid’.

It was later discovered the bundle was in fact a duvet filled with coconuts, which had been tightly-wrapped and hurled into the water. It is not known where the unusual package came from or why someone chose to dispose of the fruit in such a way.


Anonymous said...

Well I learned a new word today.

Duvet: doo-vay; a quilt or down comforter.

Seems like an over-classy way to dispose of coconuts.

Of course, this link is an absolute requirement for
a story like this:



Miss Liss said...

Lurker, if it's at all interesting to you, in Australia we call 'em a doona.

I like this story. "Help, Police! I've found a bag of bones!" "Don't be silly, Sir, it's just a duvet full of coconuts, of course"

Off to watch your vid.

Miss Liss said...

PS – far less classy than yours: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QTqD7I3Dksw


Anonymous said...

@Miss Liss:

LOL! Wonder how many beers it took to produce the video you found!
