Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Dogs reacted to earthquake before it happened

A home surveillance camera caught two snoozing dogs being jolted awake by a 4.0 magnitude earthquake in San Francisco in the early hours of Monday morning . Ashley Guerin's camera captured Gus and Gizmo sensing something was wrong seconds before the tremors hit.

YouTube link.


Anonymous said...

Interesting, but turn up the sound and you can hear something happen just as they jump maybe a small tremor before the bigger one

Unknown said...

I don't think it was a tremor they reacted to, I just read this article in the New Yorker - The Really Big One - and it talked about a high frequency sound that proceeds an earthquake that dogs can hear:

The first sign that the Cascadia earthquake has begun will be a compressional wave, radiating outward from the fault line. Compressional waves are fast-moving, high-frequency waves, audible to dogs and certain other animals but experienced by humans only as a sudden jolt. They are not very harmful, but they are potentially very useful, since they travel fast enough to be detected by sensors thirty to ninety seconds ahead of other seismic waves.

Here's the link to the article, really interesting -

Funny to watch those dogs though, huh?

WilliamRocket said...

There was a noise, the dogs awoke, then there was some more noise.