Mr Langley, a full-time carer to his mother, snapped a photo and video of the creepy crawlie on his plate before sending the meal back and complaining to the manager. He said: “I got halfway through my breakfast, I went to cut through a hash brown and then it just crawled out from underneath. It was so long. It had lots of legs as well. It was just crawling all over the plate. I wasn’t too happy about it. “It made me feel a bit sick really.
“I don’t know what I had put in my mouth before that.” Mr Langley was offered another breakfast and a full refund after he reported it to staff at the pub. Wetherspoon spokesman Eddie Gershon apologised to Mr Langley and said his complaint would be investigated immediately. He said: "Food hygiene in our pubs is of paramount importance. “Management and staff at The Gate Clock work hard to ensure that food hygiene standards are maintained to a high level at all times.

“This is borne out by the fact that The Gate Clock has a food hygiene rating of five (out of five) on the council’s website, following an inspection from its environmental health team. There could be a number of explanations for the insect being on the plate and it might not necessarily have come from the kitchen itself. We will await the outcome of our investigations and report this to the individual concerned.”
There's a short video here.
All right, just before everyone else says it: centipedes are not insects.
From Wikipedia:
'Centipedes (from Latin prefix centi-, "hundred", and pes, pedis, "foot") are arthropods belonging to the class Chilopoda of the subphylum Myriapoda. They are elongated metameric creatures with one pair of legs per body segment. Despite the name, centipedes can have a varying number of legs, ranging from 30 to 384.'
I believe we humans tend to categorise stuff into informal groups for convenience sake. Things like spiders are not insects, whales are not fish, Earth has more than one moon etc are true but not often accepted or said.
Such a convenience has its uses. When you tell a cleaning company to remove all the insects in your home's basement. They would understand that centipedes are included.
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