That bundle contained 23.8 pounds of marijuana, worth an estimated $9,500, that had passed cleanly through the carport roof’s several wooden layers and smashed Hulk’s home, which he fortunately was not fond of. “Thank goodness (Hulk) is a wanderer at night and was not in his house,” Maya said, adding: “He was probably at the gate watching the plane go by.” The Donnellys said the Nogales Police Department officers who responded told them that one of the most likely explanations for the incident was that an ultralight aircraft smuggling marijuana into Arizona from Mexico had accidentally let part of its load go early before dropping the rest further north of the border.
Bill Donnelly said that scenario made sense to him, adding that flying just one bundle seems like “an awful lot of risk for a little reward.” Ultralights are small, single-seat aircraft for which no licensing or training is required to operate in the United States. The Donnellys said NPD officers searched their property and other nearby areas for additional bundles but found nothing. The officers took possession of the single bundle. In the incident report provided by NPD, one of the officers noted that the bundle “had a plastic bracket, taped with black electrical tape,” which had possibly been used to affix the load to an aircraft. The report also states that the marijuana was to be held for investigation by the local HIDTA Task Force. More than not killing one of the family’s dogs, Bill Donnelly said he was grateful the load hadn’t fallen a little further east. “Thank God it didn’t land on our house,” he said. “Or over one of the kids’ rooms.”

NPD Chief Derek Arnson and Sheriff Antonio Estrada said that ultralight aircraft are one of the tools of the local drug smuggling trade, but neither had ever heard of a load being lost in such dramatic fashion. “Ultralights, we’ve seen those on occasion,” Arnson said. “They’ll take a couple, two, three bundles. You can hear those kind of buzzing. They come at night-time and they don’t land, they just drop and go back to Mexico.” Ultralights are not the only aerial smuggling method being used in the area. Taking a cue from medieval warfare tacticians, smugglers are also suspected of employing catapults to heave drugs across the border. In 2011, NPD spokesman Carlos Jimenez said that a catapult-like device was possibly being used to hurl marijuana bundles across the border, although the contraption was never found. The police report on the most recent incident did not mention such a possibility.
1 comment:
Do not let your dog wander.
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