Chief Deputy James Molesa said that Reece, a Phoenix resident, was shooting with six others in the area south of Highway 277 outside Overgaard when he reportedly tried to show his handgun had a double safety and could not be fired. He reportedly placed the gun to his head to illustrate the weapon could not be fired and shot himself in the head.

His friends drove him to the fire department where paramedics began to treat him. He was then airlifted to Scottsdale Osborn Hospital and underwent surgery. Navajo County Chief Deputy Jim Molesa later said that all of the people involved were from the Phoenix area. They had been drinking the night before and continued until they all went target shooting.
Molesa noted alcohol-impaired judgment on everyone's part played a major role in Christen Reece deciding to put a loaded gun to his head and pulling the trigger to show that the safety would keep it from firing, which it did not. "Guns and alcohol don't mix," Molesa said. Reece is listed as being in a critical condition, he added.
Someone is gonna get paid in court
"They had been drinking the night before and continued until they all went target shooting."
What could _possibly_ go wrong???
Though if the safeties were on, mfr.'s looking at a lawsuit. (Maybe not--gun purchase agreements may prohibit suits for device failure, a la EULA's.)
Anyone purchased a handgun in the U.S. lately? Was there a purchase release you had to sign?
The first rule is: Every gun is loaded, even if it's apart and the pieces are widely scattered. The second rule is: Never point a gun at something (someone) unless you plan to kill it (him).
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