Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sausages, Spam, peanuts and vodka found in alleged shoplifter's sweat pants leg

Police in Fort Pierce, Florida, say Alto Blocker, 53, had nineteen cans of Vienna sausages, five cans of Spam, four bags of peanuts and two bottles of Smirnoff vodka in the leg of his sweat pants after a shoplifting incident at a Love’s truck stop.

A Love’s cashier told police that a man absconded with some items and drove away in a green truck at approximately 2:30am on September 10th. St. Lucie County Sheriff’s deputies stopped a vehicle fitting the description nearby. Blocker was driving the vehicle, which had a stolen tag.

Dispatchers reported Blocker’s licence was suspended indefinitely. Blocker said he felt dizzy after taking drugs. “When Alto stepped out of the vehicle, I observed several large bulges in his left sweat pants leg,” an affidavit states. Asked what they were, Blocker didn’t respond.

Investigators then pulled out the load of 19 cans of Vienna sausages, five cans of Spam, four bags of peanuts and a couple of bottles of Smirnoff alcohol with a total value of $68.10. Blocker, of Fort Pierce, was arrested on charges including larceny – petit theft and driving while licence suspended or revoked.


Ratz said...

I had to look up what a Vienna sausage was, thinking it was a salami-type thing.. I'd thought putting it in a can would be like that awful whole-chicken-in-a-can or hamburger-in-a-can.. Then I saw the pictures for what a Vienna sausage actually looks like. Nope, putting it in a can is for the best, put the lid on and leave it that way.

Anonymous said...

Sausages, Spam, peanuts and vodka

Let's see ... How many of the four major food groups do we have? ...
