The book gives animal owners a variety of tasks to help test their pet's intelligence - and Kuffa passed the lot with flying colours. The 10-year-old cat, who is owned by Hayley Toyne, her husband Andy and two daughters from Lincoln, is fed on the porch because the family dog, Eddie, steals her food the moment her bowl is put down.
However, Kuffa has learned a clever trick to get back in the house when she has finished her meal. The "talkative" cat gets up on her back legs and knocks on the door using a metal hand guard. Family friends have been "flabbergasted" to learn the person knocking on the door was the family cat. Hayley said: "We have had her since she was a kitten. We used to have a big Tom cat that used to do similar things but he would never knock on the door - she has taken it to the next level.

"I gave my daughter the book and she tested Kuffa who ended up coming out in the top four per cent in the country. She is a very talkative cat and the boss around the house - she is very feisty. People couldn't believe it when they heard the knock on the door and it was her." Kuffa, who falls into the genius category according to the book can stand on her hind legs for more than five seconds, achieving maximum points in the IQ test, and is also aware of the passage of time.
"Cat judged to be one of the smartest in Britain following IQ test" - Make it a politician if it's that smart, even if it just sits there licking its bum, it'll be a vast improvement.
If your cat is that smart it should get a job and help pay the rent or mortgage
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