As alleged in a probable cause affidavit, Wells provided the children with cans of Coors Light beer and pot, which she packed into a glass “Hello Kitty” pipe. The underage partygoers are friends with one of Wells’s children. Police learned of the party from a woman who allowed her 13-year-old daughter to spend the night at Wells’s residence in Springtown, a city about 25 miles northwest of Fort Worth. The teen told police that Wells first gave the juveniles beer and then asked “if they wanted to smoke marijuana.” Two other Springtown Middle School students told investigators that they drank beer and got high smoking pot provided by Wells.

During a subsequent search of Well’s home, police seized assorted drug paraphernalia. In an interview with officers, Wells reportedly confessed to providing the minors with pot and beer, but said that she “kept them under control.” Wells, officers noted, “advised that the children did get ‘high,’ but did not require any special attention.” While acknowledging that she “thought for a minute” that it was a “bad idea” to give her underage guests pot and beer, Wells said she “did it anyway.” Wells also admitted to allowing her 14-year-old daughter to smoke marijuana, saying that it helps with the girl’s depression.
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Wells, police reported, said that she is “self medicating” her child with pot because the medication her daughter has been prescribed “does not work.” When asked to name the person who sold her the pot, Wells clammed up, prompting police to conclude that she was “more concerned with protecting the identity of her marijuana supplier than the welfare of the children that had been left in her care.” According to a police spokesperson, Wells’s children were removed from her home as police searched the residence. The minors remain in the custody of the state’s child protective services division. Wells is being held in the Parker County jail in lieu of $20,000 bond.
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