Sunday, November 22, 2015

Puppies rescued after being found inside sealed aquarium on riverbank

A resident of Hinds County, Mississippi, was searching for his lost dog alongside a creek near his home when he found two puppies trapped inside a glass aquarium with the lid sealed shut.

“As I got closer, I saw these eyes peering out at me and they looked like they needed help. That’s when I called authorities,” Matt Williamson said. The aquarium containing the puppies was perched on the creek bank.

“They put them in here to drown,” Williamson said of whoever was responsible. With the help of Hinds County sheriff’s deputies, the puppies were rescued and taken to the Mississippi Animal Rescue League, where hopefully, they will recover. “We think they are a little feral (and) not used to human handling. They were running a slight fever.

YouTube link.

“Our standard procedure is to put them in a quiet place, No. 1, because of their temperature, and No. 2, their stress level,” said MARL Director Debra Boswell. The puppies will remain in isolation for a couple of days, but if they check out healthy, they will be put up for adoption. A veterinarian said the puppies are in pretty good health, considering what they went through.

1 comment:

Barbwire said...

What kind of monster could even think of doing such thing, let alone actually doing it?