Caroline Toms, 34, from Rustington, said: “It all happened so fast. Ash started acting a little bit bemused and barking. Then she quick as a flash shot off into the undergrowth – then I saw this big black thing flash out in front of me. I only had my camera out because I was taking pictures of Ash playing.

“She came running back quick-as-a-flash though. I don’t know what it was, but when I had a closer look at the pictures, it certainly does look like Bigfoot to me.” She said the incident was over in seconds, and she has no idea what it is that she photographed. Now she wants to ask others if they have come across the unusual sighting.

“I think it could be Bigfoot, but it happened so fast I cannot be absolutely certain,” Caroline said. “It was just luck I had the camera out. It was so big and massive, I don’t know if it could be anything else. That’s what it looked like – I don’t know for sure, but I’ve seen other pictures of supposed Bigfoot, and what I saw looks like the other ones.”
I didn't know Bigfoot was able to get a passport out of the U.S.*
Where's TSA security when you need it?
*Seriously. I didn't know the U.K. had Bigfoot legends. Someone enlighten me.
It doesn't. She's clearly mentally enfeebled.
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