Thursday, December 31, 2015

Family concerned that little boy's toy fighter plane plays Islamic prayer instead of jet noises

Instead of making flying sounds, a children's toy plane's sound effect was an Islamic prayer, according to the president of the Islamic Society of Whatcom County in Washington. It's an issue several customers have complained about.

The toy was a Christmas present given to a Whatcom County 3-year-old. "We put the batteries in and didn't get what we expected," said Bjorn Thorpe, the boy's uncle. "I do respect other religions, but it's not the right situation to have it on a children's toy."

"This is a prayer you're supposed to say when you're performing Hajj," said Nadeem Israr, president of the Islamic Society of Whatcom County, who explained the sound is a prayer Muslims say during their pilgrimage to Mecca. The toy company, WolVol, blames its manufacturer.

YouTube link.

They say the manufacturer must have mistakenly shipped them a bad batch of toys. It pointed to its nearly four-star rating on Amazon, where the family bought the toy. Thorpe expects a refund so they can get his nephew his new Christmas present. "He just wants a plane," Thorpe said.


Anonymous said...

Oh, the humanity!

Return the stupid toy and get something else. This isn't really news-worthy.

Anonymous said...

It is news-worthy, Anonymous, as it shows that unexpected ways of warfare can be expected from people who come and attack from the desert - but with personnel that was trained by our programming world.

Anonymous said...

You know, I kind of get tired of the "Oh this isn't newsworthy" attitude because they think it's not that big a deal, and yet someone is complaining about it. So therefore, people should just shut up if it doesn't affect everyone. Wow. The man is concerned, as I would be. This sounds like another way of indoctrinating us into their pathetic world. I don't want to be muslim, EVER.

parsa said...

فقط کافیه کارخونه ی مد نظرتون رو انتخاب کنید. آسرون با خرید مستقیم از کارخونه، محصول شما رو در کمترین زمان به پروژتون میرسونه. من تجربه میلگرد نیشابور و ورق سیاه رو از آسرون داستم.
قیمت میلگرد نیشابور و
قیمت ورق سیاه فروشگاه آسرون واقعا مناسبتر از جاهای دیگه بود.

Sophia Charlotte said...

Kinds like to play with the Jet Fighter and they like to play with other toys as well. When I was a kid, I remember we bought a Fighter Jet and played all day. But now I'm a Professional Paper Writer in Texas and need the childhood peace once again in life.