Arpad, originally from Hungary, said: “We were awoken by the sound of something breaking and when I went to investigate I found a picture had come off the wall and smashed in the function room. “The hook and picture wire were fine, so I couldn’t understand what happened.” Arpad and the hotel’s owner, Eddie MacNeil, reviewed the CCTV footage and were shocked at what they saw. “An orb suddenly appears in the room and floats around before seemingly going behind the picture, which then comes down off of the wall,” he continued.

Full four minute YouTube video.
“The orb floats around a little more and then disappears. There have been lots of instances of weird things happening since I came here, like items moving from one place to another when my back is turned. It’s strange but I don’t let this type of thing bother me.” There have long been stories of spooky sightings at the Red Moss but never before have they been captured on film. Local historian Robert French said the most famous story is that of the so-called Quine of the Red Moss. “The ghostly figure of a beautiful young woman carrying a light has been witnessed on the moss land around the hotel,” he said.

“During the time of the Covenanters, she was said to be sent out by her mother to look for her brother, who had failed to return from an illegal religious service, known as a conventicle, being held on the land. She too never came back and over the years drivers on the road have reported seeing a dim light across the desolate moss. Maybe the orb on the footage is that same light.” Ghosthunter Tom Robertson, who has investigated the mysterious goings-on at the Red Moss in the past, said: “The place is definitely haunted, of that there is no doubt, because I saw an apparition of a female figure in the dining room years ago. She doesn’t appear to be wishing anyone any harm.”
I'm afraid I failed to see any kind of orb at all. Then was left wondering why I was watching a video of a picture fall off a wall.
Just after the picture falls there is definitely a circular object floating around.
It's at around the three minute mark.
You can't really see it on the video embedded here, but viewed at the YouTube link, or even better at full screen, there is something there.
Oh! I see it now, thanks Arbroath.
To be honest though, to me that looks a lot more like a mote of dust wandering around too close to the camera lens to be in focus. I'd put my money on it reflecting the infra-red from the ring of LEDs around lens. Most CCTV cameras that have a night-time mode that turns them on to get better visibility in low light situations.
Yes, I'm a orb-party-pooper.
Heh heh!
I think it's much more likely to be dust than an orb.
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