In the past few years, he claims to have seen at least two different creatures that he believes are Bigfoots. "The first time I saw one I was startled, it looked like an ape from the zoo," he said. The creature appeared out of nowhere and then ran off a few seconds after the man and creature made eye contact, he says. After the first spotting of a Bigfoot, May had started visiting the Ogden Canyon area more, hoping for another glimpse. He would visit a hot springs in the area and often felt someone, or something, pelting him with rocks. "I just thought it was kids, but then my friend was playing her flute outside and had a couple of witnesses who saw the Bigfoot," May said.

"The red-furred one was a lot bigger and it spooked me more," May said of the second creature he spotted about a year later. It was night time and May was hiking through the wilderness with a flashlight. "I heard across the river someone say, 'Oh my God! It's a monster!'" He flashed his light around and the beam fell upon the face of an eight-to ten-foot tall red-furred ape-like creature, he said. It was about 20 feet away, he estimates, it stared at him then slowly walked off. A couple of months later, May saw in the same area and spotted what appeared to be a handprint on top of a rounded surface. He dug the large object out of the surrounding dirt and saw a familiar face.

"It had the same facial structure as the creatures I had seen," he said. Midwestern State University Assistant Professor Jesse Carlucci, Kimball School of Geoscience, said after viewing the object it is, without a doubt, just a highly weathered rock. "Often, the natural fractures or joints in the rock are sites of increased weathering (chemical breakdown of the rock, as they interact with rainwater), where you have these types of depressions form. It's not Bigfoot." he said. Fossil skulls, the professor said, are extremely fragile, and are made of bone, which has a very different texture and composition than a rock like this. May, however, remains convinced of what he's found, adding: "People need to see this and know Bigfoots are real and they out there."
This is actually a 'take 2' for One-man-and-his-rock. The same guy tried to sell the idea that the same rock was a bigfoot head, back in 2013. He must be really desperate to get his mug in the news :-D
Oh, right.
Heh heh!
Thanks for that, Tapejara!
Fossilised bigfoot skull finds lunatic.
He has a bad case of pareidolia.
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