The sign was spotted on Friday and appeared to suggest drivers and pedestrians has arrived in Compton, despite the fact that is miles away on the far side of Guildford. The new sign looked official and initial inquiries to Surrey County Council did not clear up the matter, leading to some residents wondering how official contractors could have put the sign up so far from the actual village of Compton.
But the tale took another turn on Saturday when the council claimed it had no knowledge of the sign being put up. Contractors sent to remove it then reported it had disappeared. Council spokesman Andy Robinson: "It definitely was not us that put [the sign] up. We contacted our contractors who checked their records and the council has not ordered one.

"The contractors went to take the sign down but by the time the got there it had already been taken down." The initial appearance of the sign prompted a variety of reactions across the village. Some claimed the it was related to parish boundaries while others wondered if there had been a geographical error.
But Compton is in Southern California. I used to teach there...
Actually, Compton CA was named for the man who founded it in the 1850s.
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