Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Dog re-elected as town's mayor for third time in landslide victory

The town of Cormorant, Minnesota, re-elected Duke the dog as mayor for the third time on Saturday.

Duke, a nine-year-old French Pyrenees, is the only dog in the US to be elected mayor and he has again bounded into office.

"Three years ago, it happened by accident, it was a write-in vote. You pay a dollar and you can vote," David Rick, Duke's owner, explained. Having served two terms, Duke is as popular as ever and he bagged his third with a landslide.

"Everybody voted for Duke, except for one vote for his girlfriend, Lassie," said Rick. "I don't know who would run against him, because he's done such great things for the community," said local resident Karen Nelson.

With news video.

1 comment:

Vietvet said...

Finally - a flea electorate puts an end to poli-ticks as usual.

; }