Hakem High, 25, of Hoboken, was arrested early on Sunday on charges of possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, and possession within 1,000 feet of a school and within 500 feet of public housing. "Ironic," Sgt. Edgardo Cruz, a Hoboken Police spokesman, said of the suspect's name.
High was also charged with aggravated assault, as well as trespassing on public housing property, Cruz said. Officers responded at 5am to a report of an assault inside a third-floor apartment in a building operated by the Hoboken Housing Authority, Cruz said.

Police found the victim with a black eye, and arrested High who was then found to be carrying 16 small zip-lock bags containing marijuana, Cruz said. He said the victim was treated at Hoboken University Medical Center. High was released pending a court appearance on Sept. 14.
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