There was a mouse in my old flat, I would put food out in the same place every night on its own little plate and sit and watch it eat. A lotof people thought it odd but at least that way it wasn't rummaging and weeing in my cupboards. Watching it eat a whole prawn cracker was funny. When i moved out, the lady that moved in, took over the feeding duty and it lived a ripe old age for a mouse..
There was a mouse in my old flat, I would put food out in the same place every night on its own little plate and sit and watch it eat.
A lotof people thought it odd but at least that way it wasn't rummaging and weeing in my cupboards.
Watching it eat a whole prawn cracker was funny.
When i moved out, the lady that moved in, took over the feeding duty and it lived a ripe old age for a mouse..
Heh heh, how lovely!
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