The note said: “I have a “gun” I will use it, I will shoot anyone in ere “fill” this bag with all the money every counter, if you press the bell I will shoot you, don’t be silly and “fill” it, pass this not back to me, don’t be silly!!!!” The cashier was able to press the emergency button to put the counter shutters down.

The man then calmly walked out of the bank. Detective Constable Kirsty Pierce from GMP’s Stockport borough said: “This man was brazen in his attempt to rob the bank. He did not attempt to cover his face and was wearing some rather eye-catching flowery patterned shorts.

“I am sure someone will recognise this man in the CCTV, so I’m appealing for anyone who does to get in touch. No one was hurt during this robbery and nothing was stolen, but the staff involved was left badly shaken nonetheless. The man had thought ahead enough to write the note, and we want to speak to him before he tries to do this again.” Anyone with any information is asked to contact police.
You can watch the CCTV footage here.
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