When troopers arrived at the scene, they said the boy was lying in the road, which is about 175 yards away from the house, in front of the car. According to officials, the victim was chased from the Clarkton Haunted House by an actor charging at him with a chainsaw. Frankie Burney, spokesperson for the Clarkton Haunted House, said: “This was a freak accident that happened at the haunted house. Kid with the saw chased a group out of the back of the house like always.
“The kid that ran hadn’t gone through the house. I guess the actor thought he had and chased him to the peanut shelter. When the kid kept running the actor cut the saw off and started hollering for him to stop. The kid kept running so the actor took his mask off and jogged behind him still hollering for him to stop. The kid ended up running through the field and up through the ditch a 1/4 mile down the road towards Bladenboro.

“He ran onto the road, the actor was still yelling for him to stop. He ran back off the road onto the shoulder then stopped and ran right back in the road in front of the car. Luckily about half the house workers are on the fire department so first responders were there very quickly.” The boy was airlifted to the New Hanover Regional Medical Center. Troopers said he was stable and is expected to survive. Highway Patrol troopers said the driver of the SUV will not be charged.
Let me get this straight: The chainsaw was real, not a prop, and it was running?
Just who thought this was a good idea? Seriously.
A real saw...but without the chain, and completely safe.
Well, that's a bit more reassuring. I guess. :/
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