Friday, October 12, 2007

Gardener who sneaked into woman's home and tried on her underwear is jailed

A gardener caught wearing his best friend's ex-wife's underwear was jailed for 67 days yesterday.

Scott West, 32, who admitted breach of the peace and disorderly conduct, was also put on the sex offenders' register.

A court was told West had romantic feelings for mum-of-two Elizabeth Johnston and had gone to her home to speak to her after a drinking session.

But when he found the house empty, he let himself in and dressed up in a skimpy pink vest and thong from her laundry.

A neighbour found burly West wearing the top just seconds after he had removed the thong.

Mark Harrower, defending, told Peebles Sheriff Court his client was full of remorse. He said: "He was infatuated by her but had previously kept his feelings to himself. He says what he did was madness and he's very embarrassed."

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