Friday, October 12, 2007

The artist who can lend an ear

Many cultures talk with their hands, but the Australian performer Stelios Arcadiou claims he could soon be listening with his arm.

Arcadiou, a philosopher and performance artist known as Stelarc, said a surgeon had implanted a cell-cultivated ear in his arm.

Stelios Arcadiou

The 61-year-old, who was born in Cyprus, claimed the ear was grown in a laboratory from cells. He said it took him 10 years to find a surgeon willing to graft the ear on to his left forearm.

When the surgery is complete and his body has produced the necessary tissue, Arcadiou hopes to have a microphone implanted that will connect with a bluetooth transmitter. "That way you can listen to what my ear is hearing", he said.

More here.

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