Friday, October 12, 2007

Revealed: The Potato of the North

Keen gardener Gerald Smith was shocked this week when he discovered a potato with a striking resemblance to the Angel of the North. Mr Smith, 74, from Clovelly Road, Hylton Castle, has been an avid gardener for many years. Since retiring as a plumber, he now grows vegetables at Summerbell Allotments.

"When I dug it up I thought it was a bit unusual. And then I thought, it looks like the Angel of the North, so I decided to call it the Potato of the North." Mr Smith said.

The Angel of the NorthThe Potato of the North

Luckily the green-fingered pensioner's wife is away on holiday in Las Vegas, as Mr Smith explains: "If I hadn't kept the potato out of the way, the wife would have cut it up and cooked it by now."

A proud Mr Smith has pledged to preserve his unusual find, at least until his wife returns from Las Vegas...

I think it's an uncanny resemblance.

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