Thursday, April 09, 2009

Australian men eat 'killer' chillies and survive

It’s the hottest chilli in the world with the potential to kill. But that hasn’t stopped two Central Coast daredevils from taking on the potent naga jolokia chilli in a test of resistance to its burning qualities.

The naga jolokia is rated at more than one million Scoville units, a scale used to measure the potency of chillies. No other chilli comes close. It is dangerous for people with heart or breathing problems.

Originally from northwestern India, this extreme pepper is now being cultivated in a custom-made hothouse at the Chilli Factory, Morisset.

Ryan Duke and Alex Fanning of Gosford took on the beast this week - and won’t do it again. It left them gagging, grunting and groaning and with tears pouring down their faces. “I don’t want my dad to see this,’’ Ryan said as he pulled his singlet over his face to hide his tears. Alex went pale and called for milk, yoghurt and anthing else available to stop the burning.

Chilli factory director Marcel de Wit will take the chillies - and a newly-created paste made from their pulp - to the Sydney Royal Easter Show this week.

He said the burn of the jolokia could only be described as “severe”. “It’s wicked. It’s really, really bad,” Mr de Wit said. “It’s not just hot, it’s too hot for 99.9 per cent of the population.” So hot that Mr de Wit has warned against those with heart problems or asthma from eating it.

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