Thursday, April 02, 2009

Man caught with torch up his bottom

A man caught naked at a beauty spot with a torch stuck up his backside — told police he was depressed. Herbert Boothroyd, 61, said he had wanted to "cheer himself up".

He was spotted fondling himself by two women walking their dogs at a nature reserve in Guildford, Surrey. Simon Shannon, prosecuting, said Boothroyd made no attempt to cover up as the ladies passed him, shouting hello as they walked by.
Hours later he was seen by two schoolboys, aged 14 and 15, sitting on a bench completely naked. He put a towel round his waist as they approached but appeared to be touching himself.

The elder boy called him digusting but Boothroyd simply showed them a newspaper cutting of two men kissing. He asked them if that was disgusting before the teenagers ran off and called police. Police arresting him found a lock handle knife among his clothes.

But he was spared time behind bars by a judge. He was handed an eight month prison sentence but it was suspended for two years. He pleaded guilty to exposure and possessing a bladed article in a public place but denied a charge of outraging public decency in relation to the two boys because he maintains he was not pleasuring himself. The prosecution asked for this charge to lie on the file.

Mr Shannon continued: “He volunteered to police that he had a stick and a torch inserted in his anus for sexual gratification. He had inserted it because he was depressed.” Boothroyd was ordered to attend supervision for the next two years and a sex offenders group work programme. He was also made subject to a sexual offences prevention order preventing him from being naked in a public place and he was put on the sex offenders register for the next ten years.

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