The sight was captured by keen amateur photographer Desmond Cannon in the back garden of his home in Brae, County Wicklow, Ireland. Mr Cannon, 46, was playing football in his garden with his nine year old son James when the youngster spotted the birch sawfly larvae. Mr Cannon, a medical sales rep, fetched his camera and macro lens.

He then spent an hour snapping away at the bugs, which measured less than one centimetre each, as they ate their way through the silver birch leaf. Mr Cannon said: "My son is very observant and he called me over to have a look after he spotted the caterpillars.
"I was about to flick them away from the tree when they started to rear up and perform for me. It was incredible to see them rear up like this. You don't see many butterflies around these days so I was delighted to get pictures of the butterflies of the near future. They put on an amazing performance for about an hour. When I started taking pictures they had barely touched the leaf but by the end it was virtually all gone."
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