Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Man locks himself out of house as wife goes into labour

A woman was left to give birth on her own at home after her husband got locked out of their house as she went into labour. Atefeh Behereshi, 24, went into labour at her home and phoned her husband Hadi, 30, at work and told him the baby was on the way.

But when the father-to-be arrived at home he realised he didn't have his keys and his wife was too busy giving birth to answer the door.

Mrs Behereshi said: "He had given me his keys so when he got home he asked me to open the door. It couldn't because I was in the bathroom upstairs. The window was open so he could hear me and he was talking to me telling me not to be scared and that an ambulance was on it's way."

Mr Davari Yaseenzadeh, who runs his own restaurant, said: "I was panicking. I had rung for an ambulance but I didn't know what to do. In the end I smashed a window to get in and rushed upstairs only to find my wife holding the baby.

"We were told that there is no way one person should be able to deal with the pain and deliver the baby."

The midwife arrived later to cut the cord and the bouncing baby girl, who weighs in at 7lbs is "doing well" and still to be named.

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