Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Teenagers caught having sex on veg market stall

A teenager was arrested after being caught with his trousers down during a romp with his girlfriend on a fruit and vegetable stall.

David Shaw, 19, has been ordered to do 50 hours community service for outraging public decency in a Yorkshire market town.

He claimed he had been under the influence of alcohol when he embarked on the fruity encounter with his lover before being busted by police at 1.30am.

Following a hearing at Barnsley Magistrates' Court he said: "We shouldn't have done it but I was sloshed.

"She'd had a few as well."

He added: "We'd gone for a walk and one thing led to another. It's not as if it was in broad daylight." He also complained his 19-year-old girlfriend escaped with a ticking off from officers.

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