Saturday, March 13, 2010

Church-goer in incense collapse

A man from Chichester has stopped going to church because he says he is allergic to incense. Ronald Caseby had been attending St Paul's Church in the town for 19 years.

But when incense was used by the Reverend Richard Hunt in November Mr Caseby, 73, had breathing difficulties and collapsed.

Mr Caseby said: "It had never happened before, but my past medical history means I'm susceptible.

"I collapsed and told the vicar my problems, and he promised he would warn me [the next time incense was used].

"But three weeks later, having been in bed for two, I got there and the first thing he announced, although he didn't have to because I'd already collapsed and been dragged out gasping for breath, was 'we're going to have incense'."

Chichester District Council (CDC) said that the churchman would be warning parishioners before burning any incense in future.

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