Saturday, March 13, 2010

Gloucestershire's annual cheese rolling cancelled due to health and safety fears

An annual cheese rolling race that attracts thousands of spectators has been cancelled due to health and safety fears.

This year's event, scheduled for May 31st, will not take place because of police and local council concerns about overcrowding on Cooper's Hill, near Gloucester, organisers announced.

"We have had to cancel on the advice of the police and local authorities this year because of the issues of health and safety and other aspects," said Richard Jefferfies of the organising committee.

"Last year fifteen thousand spectators came to the event, by far the most we have ever seen, and we just could not cope.

"As well as concerns about the safety of the crowd and the competitors, local landowners were also worried by the amount of damage done by people climbing over fences and that sort of thing."

Following a 200 year old tradition, competitors run down the treacherous 1:2 gradient hillside in pursuit of bouncing 7lb Double Gloucester cheeses. Injuries are common and the sheer volume of spectators jams roads, prompting complaints from locals.

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