“That was his Lady,” said Mary Nichols, Nick’s daughter-in-law. Lady rode with him in his black Lincoln Town Car like she was riding in a limousine, she said, smiling at the thought.
The 81-year-old man was found dead in a swampy area about a mile from his home more than a week after he had been missing. The dog remained faithful, still by his side.

A day after the discovery, family members said they were not surprised by Lady’s loyalty.
“She didn’t move; she wouldn’t even come to us. It was almost like she was still protecting him,” said Nick’s son, Terry Nichols.
"Chances are Nichols died within a day or so of leaving his home", said Harry Campbell, Murthy’s chief investigator.
It is touching but...not to take away the sweetness of that, wouldn't it have been slightly more helpful if Lady had run for help and brought back rescuers while he was still alive? (Or did I just watch too much Lassie while growing up?)
I'm getting weepy.
Um, yeah, I would have preferred help or a rescue team but that's just me.
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