Unfortunately the rope broke, and both Ulman and his four legged friend found themselves in a metre of water. The nightmare lasted 3 days, until firemen were alerted to the situation and managed to get them out. Over the 72 hours Ulman put the cat under his T-shirt to try and keep it warm, which has led to many scratches on his stomach and chest.

He was then transferred to Denia Hospital, and was released the following day, scratched and bruised, but pleased to be safe and to have managed to save his pet. The well was 6 metres below ground, and the water came up to above his knees. He survived in these conditions for three days without food. A neighbour, who was concerned about the fact that he hadn’t seen Ulman for 3 days, ventured into his garden, and heard shouts for help.
He immediately phoned the police, who put the rescue plan into operation. Ulman´s house is situated very close to the Benitatxel bowls club, but no one from there had heard his desperate cries for help. Ulman arrived home to the news of the tragedy which had occurred to the ruling members of his country. A psychoanalyst who treated him said Ulman had survived mainly due to his positive thinking and his belief that he would be rescued.
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