Friday, May 14, 2010

Australian man battles for life after eating slug

A Sydney man is critically ill after eating a slug as a dare, leading authorities to issue health warnings on devouring raw gastropods.

The 21-year-old contracted rat lungworm disease - a rare form of meningitis - after the stunt.

Rat lungworm disease is caused by Angiostrongylus cantonensis, a parasitic worm that is carried in the pulmonary arteries of rats. Larvae are excreted in the rat's droppings, which are often eaten by slugs and snails.

The disease can cause fatal swelling of the brain and spinal cord.

However, Jeremy McAnulty from New South Wales Health said most people do recover. He said the worm goes away by itself because the body's immune system eventually gets rid of it.

Dr McAnulty said people should not eat raw slugs or snails and should ensure they wash their hands after touching them.


jonfen said...

<span>only the word rat lungworm disease already makes me cringe...</span>

Veal said...

Just the name sounds horrible!!! I hope he gets better.

Benedict XVI said...

The moral os]f the story: if you are going to eat slugs, make sure you cook them first...

Miss Liss said...

Oh, he's all right now. Just a bit sluggish.