Friday, May 14, 2010

US teacher sacked after being filmed beating student

Sherri Davis, a science teacher at Jamie's House Charter School in Houston, backed 13-year-old Isaiah Johnson into a corner and began beating him while his classmates watched. Janiqua Johnson, one of Isaiah's classmates, filmed the attack on her mobile phone. In the footage, Ms Davis cane be seen dragging Isaiah across the floor before kicking and slapping him.

The video shows that the children initially thought that Ms Davis was joking with the boy after he teased a female classmate. At the beginning of the video the children laugh and clap, but the laughter stops abruptly when Ms Davis starts hitting the boy.

Janiqua said that the teacher "snapped". "She just started beating him up," Janiqua Johnson said. "His behaviour may have been bad but he didn't deserve that," she said. Ms Davis was placed on administrative leave when school officials learned of the incident, but was fired when officials saw the video.

Isaiah's mother Alesha Johnson said the video was now in the hands of Harris County Sheriff's investigators and she has filed criminal charges. She said: "I'm horrified. I just can't believe something like that would happen to my child."


E said...


monkey_town said...

At my school, we would have jumped on that teacher and dragged her away from that kid.

jonfen said...

your school? in monkeytown?

Foreigner1 said...

In my school back then the teacher probably would have ended up in hospital no questions asked without any cam recording...

Veal said...

The mom wants her put behind bars? Why isn't she in prison already?!

Alison in Henley on Thames England said...

good on the teacher the brat deserved a good thrashing

JayDed said...

im with you Alison, obviously the teacher let her emotions get the better of her and took the punishment to far but I'm sure thats not the only person that will want to kick that kids ass in his life. He sounds like a horrible little turd of a boy and I hope the mother doesnt make any money off of it.

ambisinister said...

Why do parents never say: "He's always been a little sh1t, he had it coming"

woogums said...

Gee in my days in school we would be sent in front of the class on our knees and have our arms open on each side for about 15 minutes.. Ya do that once you'll never want to go. It happened to me in 3rd grade.. never happened after that. I understand that some teachers are probably frustrated with today's youth, I don't blame them, today's youth are so rude, not sure what happened... Maybe the parents now don't want their kids to have the same discipline they got. But then again today's youth has no respect. Some do but the majority don't.

Steve said...

A male teacher in the UK recently went to trial for dragging a pupil out of class and beating him with a dumb bell weight. The teacher was acquitted. 

Barbwire said...

Wow.  I taught in South Central LA and in Compton.  I am in shock that no one tried to stop the teacher.  I agree with Veal--that teacher should be behind bars for many years.

L said...

It doesn't matter if the kid is a turd.  It's still assault.

If your co-worker is a turd and you beat him up, you're going to jail.  Why should it be any different if you beat up a kid?