Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fruit bat fellatio gets Irish university lecturer in trouble

A university lecturer disciplined after he showed a female colleague an article about the sex life of fruit bats is demanding his sanctions be reversed.

Dr Dylan Evans, who lectures in behavioural science at University College Cork (UCC) School of Medicine, says the university president Professor Michael Murphy has imposed harsh sanctions on him for showing an article from a peer-reviewed scientific journal to a colleague.

Now, UCC is at the centre of an embarrassing international debate on political correctness.

The university refused to officially comment on his claim that a two-year period of intensive monitoring and counselling had been imposed. But a copy of the president's letter posted online confirms the sanctions.

A UCC spokesman agreed that an investigation had been held into an allegation of sexual harassment. The investigation was completed and the spokesman would not make any further comment.

The article about how fruit bats prolong copulation via oral sex was published last year, and Dr Evans said he showed it to more than a dozen colleagues on the same day, one of whom complained. He said he had been engaged in an ongoing debate about the relevance of evolutionary biology to human behaviour, and about the dubiousness of many claims for human uniqueness.

More here.


Barbwire said...

I hope none of his colleagues ever checks out sites like Arbroath.  Just imagine the reaction to the kangaroo's auto-fellatio.

monkey_town said...

This is ridiculous.  He noted a behavior of a particular animal, documented it, and showed it to other scientists.  This is normal!

cath said...

Definitely sounds like a frivolous charge.

I wonder if there was a complicating factor -- something he said or did while showing the video? Some history between the two?

Otherwise, the complaint should have been dismissed.

L said...

Unless he studies fruit bats, I can see how people might think he was a little bit obsessed...