One image, which attracted dozens of complaints, showed a morbidly overweight woman sitting naked on a bench while throwing up.
Artist John Yeadon, 62, sparked outrage when he displayed 30 pictures and drawings for his exhibition entitled: ‘Fat: The Morality of the Eater and the Eaten.’

The four removed images include a picture of an obese, naked man sitting at a computer, another obese, man whose skin overhangs the chair he is sitting on, a photo of an obese woman vomiting and another photo of an obese, naked woman eating cake.
But artist John, from Coventry, said he stood by his work. He said: ”I am a huge fan of the grotesque and see no reason why the pictures were taken down.
”They were juxtaposed with other pictures and drawings of food and in no way was I mocking fat people. They were important for the exhibition.”
Full story with all of the 'offending' images here.
Update: There's a news video here.
An exhibition about obesity, images of obese people banned? How stupid.
And after seeing the offending pictures, I have to say those who complained are also stupid, almost as stupid as those who made the decision to ban the pictures.
Naked bodies are obscene, repulsive, shameful... unless they're "hot."
I guess the folks who complain are those who feel personally spoken to by those pictures- It comes way to close to them for comfort.
Like they are confronted with their own bad habits and the -possible- consequences graphically shown in those pictures as some accusation pointed straight at them.
F1, I remember reading a column not long ago by someone who was saying we're afraid to look at obese people, because they remind us of failure -- their failure, our potential failure. You seem to have reached a similar conclusion.
I imagine the opposition to these photos comes from two camps -- those who think they're "gross," and those who think they're "cruel." Both of those sentiments might have their origins in the fear you describe.
Im quite glad they have removed the pictures…why? because it now leaves some room for some proper art.
Indeed. As we all know, nude voluptious women can never be depicted in "proper art".
These women aren't "voluptuous". They're ill.
But artist John, from Coventry, said he stood by his work. He said: ”I am a huge fan of the grotesque and see no reason why the pictures were taken down.
Does he realize that they're real people, and not just curiosities for him to stare at while he gets his jollies?
Would you happen to mean the "yoga protest" woman? ;)
Agreed. Also agreed with Cath.
Mom? Dad?!
Gawd ya'll are soooo European....
L, I hope you are not opposed to portraying ill people in art. I was also hoping my sarcasm was apparent in my earlier post, since everyone should know there is proper art with naked fat ladies out there. Quite frankly I don't get why people have a problem with these few pictures. Especially this lady with the cake is very artsy, in my opinion. It's pretty in its own way, it evokes thoughts, makes me feel stuff. Isn't that what proper art is all about?
I'm not opposed to portraying ill people in art. I'm opposed to taking advantage of people's illnesses for the titillation of others.
<span>L: How do you know the models are being exploited? For all we know, the photographer may have paid them a decent modelling fee and involved them in the creative process. And why do you think the artist is trying to "titillate" people?
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I don't know why these photos were taken down. Frankly art is art and art can be anything! We live in a society of free speech and taking down art because it doesn't "look" right and because it is "offensive" to the models goes completely against that right! Also the models wouldn't be doing this if they are offended by it. Art wants to express something to the public, and in my opinion all art is beautiful.
To be honest with you guys , I think this girl eating cream cakes is amazing if I met her I would marry her because I am different to most guys! I love obese woman and she is the most beautiful girl I have ever set my eyes on! I would do any task in the whole flipping world just to meet her. The only problem that will haunt me forever is the fact that I have no clue who she is, where she lives , or of she is still alive so I shall live a miserable life dreaming about her, the one!
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