Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Council workers paint over dead fox cub

Bungling council workers have been branded ”despicable” after they painted white line road markings over a dead fox cub. Pensioner Roy Gladdish, 66, spotted the creature lying beside a road in Medway, Kent, with white lines painted over its legs. He believes callous council roadworkers decided to paint over the fox cub rather than stop their lorry and move it.

Former lorry driver Roy, and his wife Carol, 58, from Allhallows, Kent, have described the incident as ”distressing”. He said: ”We couldn’t believe our eyes when we drove past. We were so gobsmacked we had to go round the roundabout and come back. I can’t believe how a human being could do something so despicable to an animal. It’s just atrocious behaviour.

”It sounds like a comedy sketch, but sadly it was for real. The fox might have been dead, but it still deserved some respect. It was a pretty distressing thing for us to have to do, but we couldn’t just leave it lying there. It is appalling. It’s so senseless, the council contractors must have seen it when they painted the white lines.”

Roy and Carol placed plastic bags on their hands before removing the fox. A council spokesman blamed the incident on private contractors and revealed the gap where the fox lay has now been repainted at no extra cost.

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